The Giants' doctor (1)
The Giants' doctor (1)
In 'The craftsman' we visit people who practice a craft as a job or hobby. In this report we follow a basket weaver, Lieve Liekens, who specializes in weaving giants. In the first part of this episode she tells how the skeleton, the basket, of the giant is built.
(Reportage Dobbit TV)

The Giants' doctor (2)
The Giants' doctor 2
In 'The craftsman' we visit people who practice a craft as a job or hobby. In this report we follow a basket weaver, Lieve Liekens, who specializes in weaving giants. In the second part of this episode, she finishes the skeleton of her giant.
(Reportage Dobbit TV)

Becoming a basketmaker
If you want to make reed baskets and therefore braid with reed, then you have a problem. That does not exist. Baskets are braided with willow, with cultivated willow. Lieve Lieckens puts you on the right track. More information at Lieve Lieckens at www.mandenwicken.be Willow twigs can still be found at devossalix.be
(Reportage "ikwashier.live)
(COPYRIGHT © Foto, interview: Lodewijk Deleu - http://www.ikwashier.live © Muziek: Chanson for Siv by Ian Post, License owner - Lodewijk Deleu, Company - Magazinemaker.be)

Giants weaver
Becoming a Giants weaver
Giants can be seen in parades and at parties, making great appearances with beautiful character heads and colorful robes. Because the head and clothes cannot float, a wickerwork of light branches provides a solid structure. If you want to weave a giant yourself, you must first have mastered basket weaving perfectly. And then you should also know that your work will never be seen. After all, it is always hidden under the giant's clothes. Lieve Lieckens tells about a hidden craft

Lieve Lieckens has been a traditional basket weaver for more than 20 years. She specialized in custom basket weaving and building giants. In this video she explains how she chooses the material for her baskets and how she builds a basket. With the theme 'How do you make it', Heritage Day 2019 was all about craft and craftsmanship.
(Reportage FARO)
(Met als thema 'Hoe maakt u het' stond Erfgoeddag 2019 helemaal in teken van ambacht en vakmanschap. In deze videoreeks bieden we u graag inspiratie voor een fijne Erfgoeddag activiteit of uitstap. Op de hoogte blijven van nieuws over Erfgoeddag? Neem dan een kijkje op https://faro.be/erfgoeddag)

Lieve, the basketmaker, on VRT News
Crafts Day 2023 : this is how a knife maker and basket weaver do it

The Giantess of Lichtenfels
Impressive: basket weaver from Keerbergen weaves 4-metre giantess
In Keerbergen, Belgium, basket weaver Lieve Lieckens braided a special giant together with her sister. It is made of willow branches and is no less than 4 metres high. She made the giant for a basket-making fair in Lichtenfels in Germany; the women worked on it for a whole month.

Documentaire 3 WOOD WIDE WEB
producer Hazel Dupont, basketweaver Lieve Lieckens

lieve-lieckens-2022 Artisan in de picture
'Craft in the spotlight' puts professionals in the spotlight"
Basket weaver Lieve Liekens from Keerbergen has a chance to win the title: 'Craft woman of 2022'. This title is awarded every year in the national competition 'Ambacht in de Kijker', which aims to put craftsmen in the foreground. Organizations for the self-employed, private and public partners always choose ten candidates from the different regions of our country. One person will be crowned the winner. This year we will certainly have a winner, because only women have been selected.
(ref : Vitrine des Artisans - Ambacht in de Kijker 2022)

lieve-lieckens-rob-tv-2022 Artisan in de picture
'Craft in the spotlight' puts professionals in the spotlight: "Show that there is something to it"
Basket weaver Lieve Liekens from Keerbergen has a chance to win the title: 'Craft woman of 2022'. This title is awarded every year in the national competition 'Ambacht in de Kijker', which aims to put craftsmen in the foreground. Organizations for the self-employed, private and public partners always choose ten candidates from the different regions of our country. One person will be crowned the winner. This year we will certainly have a winner, because only women have been selected.
(ref : https://www.robtv.be/nieuws/ambacht-in-de-kijker-zet-vakmensen-in-de-schijnwerpers-tonen-dat-daar-toch-wel-wat-bij-komt-kijken-137217)

Lieve-op-Radio-2- BeneBene 2022
Lieve used to be a top judoka, but has been braiding baskets for almost 30 years now: "We used to fight a lot and already braid a lot"
Lieve Lieckens from Keerbergen was one of the Belgian top judo players in the 1980s. Today, Lieve is busy with something completely different: she weaves baskets... and giants.
(ref : https://radio2.be/luister/select/start-je-dag-in-vlaams-brabant/lieve-was-vroeger-topjudoka-maar-vlecht-nu-al-bijna-30-jaar-manden-vroeger-veel-gevochten-en-nu-al-veel-gevlochten)